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Guide to Enchanting: Difference between revisions

From Ratwood Keep
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|Enchantment of woodcutting
|15u Mercury, Scroll, Mana Crystal
|Extra damage to trees
|Enchantment of mining
|15u Mercury, Scroll, Runed Artifact
|Extra damage to rocks
|Enchantment of xylix
|Clothing, Armor
|15u Mercury, Scroll, Leyline Shard
| +1 Luck
|Enchantment of unyield light
|Weapons, Clothing, Armor
|15u Mercury, Scroll, 2x, Elemntal Mote
|Item glows like a lamptern
|Enchantment of compact storage
|Storage item
|15u Mercury, Scroll, 2x Infernal Ash, 2x Fairy Dust
|Doubles storage space
|Enchantment of revealing
|Lamptern, Torch
|15 Mercury, Scroll, 2x Fairy Dust
|Doubles light range
! colspan="4" |'''Tier 2'''
! colspan="4" |'''Tier 2'''
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|Enchantment of dark vision
|15u Mercury, Scroll, Iridescent Scale, Mana Crystal, Acanic Meld
|Grants dark vision
|Enchantment of featherstep
|Shoes, Rings
|15u Mercury, Scroll, Iridescent Scale, Fairy Dust, Acanic Meld
| +1 Speed, Lightstep trait
|Enchantment of fire resist
|Clothing, Armor
|15 Mercury, Scroll, Hellhound Fang, Infernal Ash, Arcanic Meld
|Resistance to catching fire
|Enchantment of climbing
|Clothing, Armor
|15u Mercury, Scroll, Elemental Shard, Infernal Ash, Arcanic Meld
| +2 Climbing skill
|Enchantment of nimble fingers
|Gloves, Rings
|15u Mercury, Scroll, Hellhound Fang, Obsidian, Arcanic Meld
| +2 Pickpocket skill, +1 Lockpick skill
|Enchantment of swamp trekking
|Shoes, Rings
|15u Mercury, Scroll, Elemntal Shard, Runed Artifact, Arcanic Meld
|Negate mud slowdown
|Enchantment of smithing
|15u Mercury, Scroll, Elemental Shard, Elemental Mote, Arcanic Meld
|Doubles "breakthrough" smithing chance
! colspan="4" |'''Tier 3'''
! colspan="4" |'''Tier 3'''
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|Enchantment of lyfestealing
|15u Mercury, Scroll, Heartwood Core, 2x Hellhound Fang, Dense Arcanic Meld
|Heal from harming your enemy on a short cooldown.
|Enchantment of frostveil
|Weapons, Clothing, Armor
|15u Mercury, Scroll, Elemental Fragment, 2x Elemental Shard, Dense Arcanic Meld
|Slow your enemy if harming (weapon) or being harmed (armor)
|Enchantment of phoenix guard
|Clothing, Armor
|15u Mercury, Scroll, Molten Core, 2x Iridescent Scale, Dense Arcanic Meld
|Set your enemy on fire if being harmed
|Enchantment of wound closing
|15u Mercury, Scroll, Heartwood Core, 2x Iridescent Scales, Dense Arcanic Meld
|Grants a lesser doctor healing spell on sizable cooldown
|Enchantment of returning weapon
|Rings, Gloves
|15u Mercury, Scroll, Elemental Fragment, 2x Fairy Dust, 2x Elemental Mote, Dense Arcanic Meld
|Grants summon weapon
|Enchantment of archery
|Gloves, Bracers, Rings
|15u Mercury, Scroll, 2x Hellhound Fang, 2x Leyline Shard, Dense Arcanic Meld
| +2 Perception +2 Crossbow skill +2 Bow skill.
|Enchantment of leaping
|Bracers, Rings
|15u Mercury, Scroll, 2x Molten Core, 2x Leyline Shard, Dense Arcanic Meld
|Grants ability to leap Z layers, Long jump trait
! colspan="4" |Tier 4
! colspan="4" |Tier 4
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|Enchantment of infernal flame
|Weapons, Bows, Crossbows, Clothing, Armor
|15u Mercury, Scroll, Abyssal Flame, 2x Heartwood Core, Sorcerous Weave
|Set your enemy enemy on fire.
|Enchantment of freezing
|Weapons, Bows, Crossbows, Clothing, Armor
|15u Mercury, Scroll, Sylvan Essence, 2x Molten Core, Sorcerous Weave
|Freeze your enemy into a block of ice if harming (weapons, bows, crossbow) or being harmed (clothing, armor)
|Enchantment of briars curse
|15u Mercury, Scroll, Sylvan Essence, 2x Heartwood Core, Sorcerous Weave
|Deal more damage but take damage per swing.
|Enchantment of temporal rewind
|Weapons, Clothing, Armor
|15u Mercury, Scroll, Elemental Relic, 2x Heartwood core, Sorcerous Weave
|Apon harming (weapon) or being harmed (clothing, armor) teleport back to the original interaction after delay.
== TIER 1 ==
Enchantment of woodcutting
Applies to: axes
Cost: 5 oz mercury (15u), 1 scroll, 1 manacrystral
Effect: hits to trees do more damage
Enchantment of mining
Applies to: pickaxes
Cost: 5 oz mercury (15u), 1 scroll, 1 runed artifact
Effect: hits to trees do more damage
Enchantment of xylix
Applies to: clothing/armor
Cost: 5 oz mercury (15u), 1 scroll, 1 leyline shard
Effect: gives a +1 to luck stat
Enchantment of unyield light
Applies to: weapons & clothing/armor
Cost: 5 oz mercury (15u), 1 scroll, 2 elemental mote
Effect: item glows brightly like a lantern
Enchantment of compact storage
Applies to: any kind of storage item
Cost: 5 oz mercury (15u), 1 scroll, 2 infernal ash, 2 fairy dust
Effect: doubles item storage space.
Enchantment of revealing
Applies to: lanterns/torches
Cost: 5 oz mercury (15u), 1 scroll, 2 fairy dust
Effect: doubles range of lantern/torches.
== TIER 2 ==
Enchantment of dark vision
Applies to: clothing
Cost: 5 oz mercury (15u), 1 scroll, 1 iridescent scale, 1 mana crystal, 1 arcanic meld
Effect: grants dark vision when worn
Enchantment of featherstep
Applies to: shoes, rings
Cost: 5 oz mercury (15u), 1 scroll, 1 iridescent scale, 1 fairy dust, 1 arcanic meld
Effect: +1 speed, lightstep trait
Enchantment of fire resist
Applies to: clothing/armor
Cost: 5 oz mercury (15u), 1 scroll, 1 hellhound fang, 1 infernal ash, 1 arcanic meld
Effect: resistance to being set on fire. (Fire projectiles still hurt)
Enchantment of climbing
Applies to: clothing/armor
Cost: 5 oz mercury (15u), 1 scroll, 1 elemental shard, 1 infernal ash, 1 arcanic meld
Effect: +2 climbing
Enchantment of nimble fingers
Applies to: gloves, rings
Cost: 5 oz mercury (15u), 1 scroll, 1 hellhound fang, 1 obsidian, 1 arcanic meld
Effect: +2 stealing, +1 lockpicking
Enchantment of swamp trekking
Applies to: shoes, rings
Cost: 5 oz mercury (15u), 1 scroll, 1 elemental shard, 1 runed artifact, 1 arcanic meld
Effect: no slowdown from mud
Enchantment of smithing
Applies to: hammers
Cost: 5 oz mercury (15u), 1 scroll, 1 elemental shard, 1 elemental mote, 1 arcanic meld
Effect: doubles chance of a breakthrough while smithing
== TIER 3 ==
Enchantment of lyfestealing
Applies to: weapons
Cost: 5 oz mercury (15u), 1 scroll, 1 heartwoodcore, 2 hellhound fang, 1 dense arcanic meld
Effect: hitting an enemy will steal health from them, and heal you with a cooldown on the effect.
Enchantment of frostveil
Applies to: weapons, armor/clothing
Cost: 5 oz mercury (15u), 1 scroll, 1 elemental fragment, 2 elemental shards, 1 dense arcanic meld
Effect: hitting an enemy(weapon) OR getting hit by an enemy (armor) wil apply a cold debuff to foe, slowing them.
Enchantment of phoenix guard
Applies to: armor/clothing
Cost: 5 oz mercury (15u), 1 scroll, 1 moltencore, 2 iridescent scales, 1 dense arcanic meld
Effect: sets attackers on fire
Enchantment of wound closing
Applies to: rings
Cost: 5 oz mercury (15u), 1 scroll, 1 heartwoodcore, 2 iridescent scales, 1 dense arcanic meld
Effect: grants the wound closing spell when worn (lesser doctor heal, sizable cooldown)
Enchantment of returning weapon
Applies to: rings, gloves
Cost: 5 oz mercury (15u), 1 scroll, 1 elemental fragment, 2 fairy dust, 2 elemental mote, 1 dense arcanic meld
Effect: grants summon weapon spell when worn.
Enchantment of archery
Applies to: gloves, bracers, ring
Cost: 5 oz mercury (15u), 1 scroll, 2 hellhound fangs, 2 leyline shards, 1 dense arcanic meld
Effect: +2 perception, +2 crossbows, +2 bows; when worn.
Enchantment of leaping
Applies to: rings, bracers
Cost: 5 oz mercury (15u), 1 scroll, 2 moltencores, 2 leyline shards, 1 dense arcanic meld
Effect: grants Z jump trait and long jump trait.
== TIER 4 ==
Enchantment of infernal flame
Applies to: weapons, bows/crossbows, clothing/armor
Cost: 5 oz mercury (15u), 1 scroll, 1 abyssal flame, 2 heartwoodcores, 1 sorcerous weave
Effect: foes hit are set aflame.
Enchantment of freezing
Applies to: clothing/armor, weapons, bows/crossbows,
Cost: 5 oz mercury (15u), 1 scroll, 1 sylvan essence, 2 moltencores, 1 sorcerous weave
Effect: freezes foe(weapons/bows) or attackers (clothing/armor) in a solid block of ice they must resist from.
Enchantment of briars curse
Applies to: weapons
Cost: 5 oz mercury (15u), 1 scroll, 1 sylvan essence, 2 heartwood cores, 1 sorcerous weave
Effect: Your weapon deals more damage, but injures you with each swing
Enchantment of temporal rewind
Applies to: weapons, clothing/armor
Cost: 5 oz mercury (15u), 1 scroll, 1 elemental relic, 2 heartwoodcore, 1 sorcerous weave
Effect: hitting a foe (weapon) OR being attacked teleports you back to the location of the interaction after a delay.

Latest revision as of 17:06, 17 February 2025

Tier 1
Enchantment Application Ingredients Effect
Enchantment of woodcutting Axes 15u Mercury, Scroll, Mana Crystal Extra damage to trees
Enchantment of mining Pickaxes 15u Mercury, Scroll, Runed Artifact Extra damage to rocks
Enchantment of xylix Clothing, Armor 15u Mercury, Scroll, Leyline Shard +1 Luck
Enchantment of unyield light Weapons, Clothing, Armor 15u Mercury, Scroll, 2x, Elemntal Mote Item glows like a lamptern
Enchantment of compact storage Storage item 15u Mercury, Scroll, 2x Infernal Ash, 2x Fairy Dust Doubles storage space
Enchantment of revealing Lamptern, Torch 15 Mercury, Scroll, 2x Fairy Dust Doubles light range
Tier 2
Enchantment Application Ingredients Effect
Enchantment of dark vision Clothing 15u Mercury, Scroll, Iridescent Scale, Mana Crystal, Acanic Meld Grants dark vision
Enchantment of featherstep Shoes, Rings 15u Mercury, Scroll, Iridescent Scale, Fairy Dust, Acanic Meld +1 Speed, Lightstep trait
Enchantment of fire resist Clothing, Armor 15 Mercury, Scroll, Hellhound Fang, Infernal Ash, Arcanic Meld Resistance to catching fire
Enchantment of climbing Clothing, Armor 15u Mercury, Scroll, Elemental Shard, Infernal Ash, Arcanic Meld +2 Climbing skill
Enchantment of nimble fingers Gloves, Rings 15u Mercury, Scroll, Hellhound Fang, Obsidian, Arcanic Meld +2 Pickpocket skill, +1 Lockpick skill
Enchantment of swamp trekking Shoes, Rings 15u Mercury, Scroll, Elemntal Shard, Runed Artifact, Arcanic Meld Negate mud slowdown
Enchantment of smithing Hammers 15u Mercury, Scroll, Elemental Shard, Elemental Mote, Arcanic Meld Doubles "breakthrough" smithing chance
Tier 3
Enchantment Application Ingredients Effect
Enchantment of lyfestealing Weapons 15u Mercury, Scroll, Heartwood Core, 2x Hellhound Fang, Dense Arcanic Meld Heal from harming your enemy on a short cooldown.
Enchantment of frostveil Weapons, Clothing, Armor 15u Mercury, Scroll, Elemental Fragment, 2x Elemental Shard, Dense Arcanic Meld Slow your enemy if harming (weapon) or being harmed (armor)
Enchantment of phoenix guard Clothing, Armor 15u Mercury, Scroll, Molten Core, 2x Iridescent Scale, Dense Arcanic Meld Set your enemy on fire if being harmed
Enchantment of wound closing Rings 15u Mercury, Scroll, Heartwood Core, 2x Iridescent Scales, Dense Arcanic Meld Grants a lesser doctor healing spell on sizable cooldown
Enchantment of returning weapon Rings, Gloves 15u Mercury, Scroll, Elemental Fragment, 2x Fairy Dust, 2x Elemental Mote, Dense Arcanic Meld Grants summon weapon
Enchantment of archery Gloves, Bracers, Rings 15u Mercury, Scroll, 2x Hellhound Fang, 2x Leyline Shard, Dense Arcanic Meld +2 Perception +2 Crossbow skill +2 Bow skill.
Enchantment of leaping Bracers, Rings 15u Mercury, Scroll, 2x Molten Core, 2x Leyline Shard, Dense Arcanic Meld Grants ability to leap Z layers, Long jump trait
Tier 4
Enchantment Application Ingredients Effect
Enchantment of infernal flame Weapons, Bows, Crossbows, Clothing, Armor 15u Mercury, Scroll, Abyssal Flame, 2x Heartwood Core, Sorcerous Weave Set your enemy enemy on fire.
Enchantment of freezing Weapons, Bows, Crossbows, Clothing, Armor 15u Mercury, Scroll, Sylvan Essence, 2x Molten Core, Sorcerous Weave Freeze your enemy into a block of ice if harming (weapons, bows, crossbow) or being harmed (clothing, armor)
Enchantment of briars curse Weapons 15u Mercury, Scroll, Sylvan Essence, 2x Heartwood Core, Sorcerous Weave Deal more damage but take damage per swing.
Enchantment of temporal rewind Weapons, Clothing, Armor 15u Mercury, Scroll, Elemental Relic, 2x Heartwood core, Sorcerous Weave Apon harming (weapon) or being harmed (clothing, armor) teleport back to the original interaction after delay.